1. Visually, the leaves of lovage resemble the leaves of celery. The smell of lovage is similar, but compared to celery it is more intense and spicy, slightly bitter and sweet at the same time. Because of its strong aroma, Maggi herb is used as a seasoning herb in many soups, stews and hearty meat dishes. Lovage seeds are also used in the kitchen. For example, the seeds are added during the production of cheese as a natural flavoring agent, or used like caraway seeds in bread or rolls.
2. Lovage is an excellent seasoning herb for many hearty dishes as well as for meat dishes such as boiled beef, poultry and fish. The herb harmonizes very well with garlic.
3. For preparation in warm dishes, it is recommended to add the herb only towards the end of cooking, otherwise the herb loses some of its strong aroma. Both dried and fresh leaves can be used for cooking.
4. Dried lovage herbs should always be well sealed. Glasses with airtight closures are well suited. The herbs are best kept cool and dry and protected from direct sunlight.
5. Lovage can be helpful with digestive problems. In addition, an essential oil can be extracted from the fruit and the roots, which can be helpful with urinary tract infections, as well as with kidney stones. Lovage is also popularly used as an expectorant for colds. To brew a love potion from it seems to be just a rumor