
Calcium lactate gluconate

Calcium lactate gluconate

is a mixture of calcium lactate and calcium gluconate with its structural formular: (C3H5O3)2Ca + (C6H11O7)2Ca·H2O

Product details

Appearance:white to whitish crystallie powder or granulate
CAS number:814-80-2 18016-24-5
Origin country: Germany
Physical state:firm
Molecular formula:(C3H5O3)2Ca + (C6H11O7)2Ca·H2O
Container:15 kg net sack
Storage:should be stored at a cool, well-ventilated place, not over 30 °C / 86 °F, avoid any contact with water during storaging

Your contact

Manuel Bahr

Manuel Bahr

Sales Manager Süd/AT/CH
Phone.: +49(0)8193/9312-38 Mobil: +49 (0) 15776379937
Marvin Peacock

Marvin Peacock

Sales Manager Nord/Ost
Phone.: +49(0)8193/9312-53 Mobil: +49 (0) 15776379887
Laura Schieweck

Laura Schieweck

Sales Manager West
Phone.: +49(0)8193/9312-24 Mobil: +49 (0) 1717360260