
Calcium lactate

Calcium lactate

Calcium lactate is the salt of lactic acid with calium hydroxide. The substance is offered in solid form as a white powder. It is miscible with water and tends to so-called efflorescence: deposits of mostly white powder or crystals occur on the surface of the structure. The salt efflorescence resembles a crust.

As a powder, the substance forms several hydrates of which the pentahydrate appears to be the most stable.

Product details

Qualities:Food, pharma, feed, coated
Appearance:white powder
CAS number:814-80-2 / 28305-25-1
Origin country: Spain, Netherlands, China
Physical state:firm
Container:25 kg net sack
Durability:4 - 5 years
Storage:should be stored at a cool, dry and light shielded place, in sealed packaging

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Manuel Bahr

Manuel Bahr

Sales Manager Süd/AT/CH
Phone.: +49(0)8193/9312-38 Mobil: +49 (0) 15776379937
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Marvin Peacock

Sales Manager Nord/Ost
Phone.: +49(0)8193/9312-53 Mobil: +49 (0) 15776379887
Laura Schieweck

Laura Schieweck

Sales Manager West
Phone.: +49(0)8193/9312-24 Mobil: +49 (0) 1717360260