
Adipic acid

Adipic acid

is obtained by oxidation. In nature the acid occurs in sugar beets and red beets. The salts and esters are referred to as adipates.

Product details

Appearance:white, crystalline powder
CAS number:124-04-9
Physical state:firm
Container:25 kg net sack
Storage:should be stored at a cool, dry and light shielded place, in original packaging

Your contact

Manuel Bahr

Manuel Bahr

Sales Manager Süd/AT/CH
Phone.: +49(0)8193/9312-38 Mobil: +49 (0) 15776379937
Marvin Peacock

Marvin Peacock

Sales Manager Nord/Ost
Phone.: +49(0)8193/9312-53 Mobil: +49 (0) 15776379887